The Beginnings of the Club
A considerable number of Antonians opted to move to Australia in the late 1960s and early 1970s, with a notable concentration choosing to reside in Melbourne, specifically within the Eastern Suburbs.
The FIRST inaugural Annual General Meeting took place on November 15, 1981.
Exploring the Memories: Club's Founding Secretary, Chris Drieberg
The Beginning
During the late 1960's it was Ron Barber who organised same-day excursions for Antonians in Melbourne. One notable event that stands out is the sports day and barbecue held at Wattle Park on Warrigal Road in Burwood in 1974. The highlight of the day was a spirited softball cricket match, reminiscent of the lively games played in Sri Lanka, complete with cheering, singing, and plenty of camaraderie.
Another occasion was when Antonians from the Western suburbs played those from the Eastern suburbs in seven-a-side basketball games in Melton. The day ended with the wives playing a mixed softball cricket match, much to the delight of the cheering husbands. Some of the Antonians from the Western suburbs were Deryck Barthelot, Michael & Louis Macky, the Goonaratne brothers Freddy, Paddy Gerry and Merry, Patrick Van Ryke, Robin Duff Tytler, those from the Eastern suburbs were Ron Barber, Bamey Daniels, Annesley Dias, Desmond Macky, Andre Titus, Basil Hyde, Chris Drieberg, Tony, Mark and Hans Schrader, Mike Corteling and Leyrisse Vanderwert. Other stalwarts who have frequented cricket matches and social functions have been the late George Kehl, Noel Templer, Tony Hayward, Reggie Barber and Fred Rode.
Nothing seems to have happened about the formation of a club until a visit to Sri Lanka and the inevitable 'pilgrimage’ to College by Tony Schrader in August 1980. This was a few years after college was taken over by the government, and Fr Stephen Abraham expressed the plight the College was in financially in relation to sport. To send the College cricket team to Colombo for one match alone cost Rs 1000, which the College could ill afford. On hearing this, Tony was really fired up. On his return to Melbourne, he contacted several Antonians which Chris Drieberg had already arranged for Alston Koch and his Band ‘Dark Tan’ and Roger Menzie’s Band from Sydney to play at a dance in Melbourne. So, they decided to call it the Old Antonian Nite, in November 1980. The chief Guest at this dance was Charlie and May Bayley.
Most of the 'Old Boys’ rallied round to the call with Gordon Cooray, Maurice Barsenback, Rodney Kehl, Bertram Pereira and Percy Madawela giving good support. Many members still recall jovially how Maurice Barsenback, late at night, would telephone his many friends cajoling support — but this was done in his boss' time!
First Annual General Meeting
The initial gathering took place at Gills and Chris's residence. Yvonne prepared ‘Gothambas’ while the other ladies prepared the curries. A second meeting was organised at Tony Schrader's home in Dingley on the 18 January 1981, when 12 attended and 5 apologies were received. A.C.M. Lafir, the first Antonian to play cricket for Sri Lanka on his first visit to Australia, was among the guests.
The committee elected for 1981 was Tony Schrader (President), Merry Guneratne (Vice President), Chris Drieberg (Secretary), Jackie Robertson (Asst Sec), Deryck Barthelot (Treasurer), Maurice Barsenbach (Asst Treasurer) and Desmond Macky (Hon Auditor). The other Antonians present were Ralph Barthelot, Errol Van Culenberg, Basil Hyde, Gordon Corray, Andre Titus and Rodney Kehl. It should be stated that the start of the club was due to efforts in various ways by all present at the meeting. A Constitution was to be drawn up by Tony Schrader and it was to be presented to the First Annual General Meeting to be held on the 15th of Nov. '81. Just like the Tsunami, the second wave of Committeemen came along to do a great job, the likes of Merrick Poulier, Leyrisse Vanderwert and Robin Koelmeyer. Robin has still not taken a break from being in the committee.
Two highlights come to mind during the early years of the club. The first was the visit by the Principal of the College, Fr Stephen Abraham during a short say in Australia. The second was the visit, also in 1981, by the Honourable Mr A.C.S Hameed, the Sri Lankan Foreign Minister, an old boy of the College, and Mrs Hameed. He spent some hours with the Old Boys, reminiscing old times, classmates, and the Tamarind Tree.
We also hosted two Principals of our College on two memorable events in their lives. Fr. Stephen Abraham celebrated 25 years as a priest with us and Fr. Theadore Robinson celebrated 50 years as a priest. The Antonians here in Melbourne funded both celebrations and enjoyed the day with each of them separately.
Photos from the Social Event - 15 August 1981 at St Kevin’s Church Hall
The success of this first dance at the Moorabbin Town Hall and all the subsequent functions are well known. In the old days we started the year off with a Children's Christmas Party. We had a Curry Nite during the year and even a food fair. The cost of a Dance ticket was $10 with a caterer in attendance and people bought their own food. The Curry Nites were totally catered for by the wives and at the Food Fairs we brought the food and most of it was bought by us the organisers. We did an amazing bus trip to Adelaide, and we frequently made bus trips to the Pokies across the border, thanks to Maurice and his bus mates. The credit for these must go to the annually elected office bearers and the committees. From observation, the office bearers each year have taken their duties seriously and leave nothing unattended. The loyalty of their families and staunch supporters made their task a lot easier. Most members are well aware of the help the OBA is rendering locally and to college in Kandy.
Over the years we have sent college ties, college tie pins, cricket balls and even a roller-mower for the cricket pitch and Marlon in his previous Presidency donated covers for the pitch. We donated a house for a Minor Staff member in Fr. Stephen's 25th anniversary as a priest. In the early years we even paid for the services of Owen Mot to coach the College cricket team. In our schools 150th year we donated $10,000 to college and recently we have totally refurbished the College Hall. What's more, this year we have made a commitment to fund the college Cricket Wing, which was established to help foster cricket in college and hopefully will produce more international stars and renowned cricketers for St Anthony's College.
Antonian team : L-R: unknown, Reggie Barber, Louis Macky, Desmond Macky, Tony Schrader, Robin Koelmeyer, Jack Robertson, Nihal Fernando, Errol VanCuylenburg, ACM Lafir (capt), Howard Titus and Maurice Barsenback (umpire) Absent: Meri Guneratne (v-capt) and Basil Hyde
Minutes of the First Meeting